- GREAT stand for GAPS- Resource, Education, Awareness & Therapy.
- It is a daily academic-therapy programme for students with CP aged between 6 – 25 years old who are not accepted in schools.
- IEP (Individualised Education Plan) ensures the right adaptation, accommodation and modification on each student’s educational, rehabilitation, social and vocational skills.
- Long term aim is to increase career opportunities and employability for people with CP.
- partiCPate in PRACTIVE workshop series
- ‘Home-based therapy’ for children with CP.
- Practical, structured & low cost.
- Training of trainers to caregivers.
- Empowerment especially for those in rural areas with limited access to rehab services.
- Awareness on the importance of continuous intervention.
- Sembang Santai Webinars
- Various topics related to CP.
- Guest speakers are subject matter experts.
- Sharing sessions by parents & adults CP.
- Others
- Conductive Education Camp.
- Disability Equality Training.
- Augmentative & Alternative Communication.
- Speech classes.