One of GAPS’ missions is to support Conductive Education in Malaysia and make it better known and affordable for families.
Originated from Hungary, Conductive Education is an educational based rehabilitation for children with CP.
It is a combination of learning physical movements, self-care activities, speech, cognitive skills, etc, together with basic academic education integrated as one programme.
Rehab Equipment Resource Library
As most children with CP are unable to control their muscles and posture, they require special seats to sit, equipment for standing and walker or wheelchair to enable them to be mobile.
GAPS has been partnering with rehabilitation and care specialist, Cutie Pie – Inspired by children with CP to develop, source and/or produce assistive and adaptive devices, focusing on locally made and affordable products.
We also raise funds to loan rehab equipment including wheelchairs, special car seats, special chairs, etc to individuals with CP in Malaysia.

Empowerment & Training
GAPS is committed in organising, collaborating and getting involved in various empowerment programmes such as partiCPate in PRACTIVE, Adaptive Dikir Barat, Disability Equality Training (DET), Augmentative & Alternative Communication, Speech Classes and World CP Day Celebrations.
We are also planning to do more programmes in the future such as CP Camp, Youth Workshops, Conference on Inclusions, Disability Related Services Training (DRST), Independent Living workshops and services, and Job Coach.